Saturday, November 14, 2009

Chapter 3 - Roommate Relations - Case Study Report

I. Statement of Problem

A. Definition
- Maria feel hard to adjust to American college life

B. Analysis
- Maria was shocked and upset, because American college life is different from her home country life

II. Suggestion of Possible Problems

A. Maria should try to adjust to American college life.
B. Maria should request to Jenny that is prudent behavior.
C. Maria move to Elena’s home and then she has to find another roommate.

III. Evaluation of Possible Solutions

A. Ad: it is more helpful to understand American college life
Dis: she maintain stressful situation continually

B. Ad: Maria’s roommate take care of her behavior
Dis: It is hard to persuade roommate

C. Ad: Maria feels more comfortable and she look forward to new roommate
Dis: relationship with roommate is still bad

IV. Selection of a solution

A. I choose solution B
B. Because Maria did not communicate with her roommate. She needs to communicate enough to solve. If Maria ask to roommate, her roommate will be able to understand, and her roommate is maybe take care of her behavior and she never did again.

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